Some organizations may have multiple WizyEMM accounts, and would like to distribute private applications to all of these organizations.
You can do this directly from your developer Google Play Console.
>> To distribute private apps to multiple organizations:
A private app can be distributed to up to 100 organizations. For example, if you maintain multiple environments (e.g. testing, staging, production) as separate organizations, you can distribute the same private app to each organization.
Step 1: Get Organization IDs
To make a private app available to additional organizations, you need each organization's ID:
- Sign in to managed Google Play.
- Click Admin Settings.
- The Organization ID is listed in the Organization information box.
Or, you can also ask your WizyEMM representative to get your organization ID for you.
Step 2. Add Organization IDs to your app's target distribution list
In the WizyEMM console where the private app was originally uploaded:
- Go to the Private Applications tab, under Applications Management.
- Select the private app you want to share to additional organizations.
- Click on Make advanced edits. This will forward you to your Google Play console.
- Go to Release > Setup > Advanced Settings > Managed Google Play.
- Click Add Organization.
- For each organization that you want to publish the app to, enter the Organization ID and a description (or name) and click Add. You can enter up to 100 organizations per app.
- Click Save changes.
Step 3. Approve the app in your target distribution list
In the WizyEMM consoles of your target distribution list:
- Go to the Public Applications tab.
- Search for the private app in the search bar, by entering "pname:" followed by the package name of your private app. For example, enter in the search bar.
- Your private app will appear, with a small lock indicating that it is only available to your organization.
- Select and approve the private app.