Users of the WizyEMM console can push files onto a specified path of the internal SD card (including internal storage) of enrolled devices.
>> To push a file to a specific device:
From your WizyEMM console:
- Go to the Device List tab, under Fleet Management
- Go on a specific device page by clicking on its Serial Number
- Click on Push File button, under the Actions drop-down list
- Upload your file and specify the target path on the SD card
- Click OK
>> To push a file to a group of devices or a profile:
From your WizyEMM console:
- Go to the Device List tab, under Fleet Management
- Either:
- On the top navigation bar, click on the Push File button, under the Mass Actions drop-down list and specify which label or profile you wish to push your file to
- Select the desired devices, then click on Push File button, under the Actions drop-down list
- Upload your file and specify the target path on the SD card
- Click OK
- The path for the file directory of a specific application installed will look something like this:
- You can override existing files by pushing the updated file with the same name (as the file to be updated), to the same file path.