In the Applications section of your profile, you can apply specific configurations to your applications if they offer the capability.
To know if an application offers configurations: In your Public Applications tab, under Application Management, check to see if there is the text "This app offers managed configuration" when you search for your application. If this text appears, then you'll be able to configure this application with WizyEMM.
Here, let's take the example of configuring Google Chrome, to blacklist certain URLs.
To do so, click on the Configuration button associated to your application.
You will then have access to the list of configurations supported by this application.
Using the search field, you can access the configuration wanted.
Below I have blacklisted access to Facebook.
Once I click Submit and save the profile, this configuration will be pushed to all devices enrolled in this profile.
Are you an app developer looking to define and integrate your own managed configurations into your applications? Check out this documentation from Android.