A device which has been Screen Off-ed goes to its lock screen - meaning the user of the device will need to enter a password to access the device (if a password has been defined).
>> To remotely turn the screen off on a device:
From your WizyEMM dashboard:
- Go to the Device list tab, under Fleet Tracking
- Click on a device
- On the top-right of the page, click on Screen Off under the Actions drop-down menu
You can also Screen Off multiple devices at the same time from the Device List page
- The Lock remote action is more secure than the Screen Off action, because only the WizyEMM admin can unlock a device in the case where it was been Locked from the console.
- The Screen Off action does not work for a device enrolled into a work profile. In a BYOD use case, the EMM cannot control configurations outside of the work profile. In the case of a lost BYOD device, the WizyEMM admin will need to Lock the enrolled device to secure its data.