New Features
- enrollment of device via csv
- enrollment of users via csv
- use of /geolocations api for devices location
- added highlight when hovering in profile policies
- removed confirmation message in save button in profile
- removed alert box message in profile QR enrollment
- fixed reverting of profile name when changing policies
- display brand and model in the device view
- ignore already added apps from play store
- layout of landing page
- pluralized device view applications label
- rename ‘Work Profiles’ to ‘Profiles’ in the dashboard
- inverted “disable geolocation” label in profile configuration
- applying of kiosk, disabled, and install type changes to selected profile apps
- missing reset password in device list
- password constraints in profile configuration
- enable Geolocation and location mode
- profile enrollment wifi ssid field
- qr code validity time in profile enrollment
- last status time of the devices
- restricted play store checkbox and status
last update column that shows current date