You can block outgoing calls to specific prefixes in WizyEMM. This is perfect for customers who provide a device with a SIM card, but who want to avoid that calls are made to expensive numbers.
Please note that the WizyEMM companion application must be minimum version 1.6.0-rev118. (minimum version code of 118). Check how to update your application here.
To make this work, please follow these steps:
1. Select the companion app from the Play Store
Go on the Public Play Store, then search for the companion app by typing exactly that in the search field:
You will find one and only one app. Select it!
2. Update the managed configuration
Add the companion app to your WizyEMM profile, then edit its Managed Configuration by clicking on the configuration button next to the Companion app. Search for the following item: Outgoing Phone Call Restrictions. In the input field, type the prefixes separated by a comma, like that:
Please note that the prefix must exactly match the phone number. Hence, it’s mandatory to list all possible ways of typing a number. In the example, all numbers starting by 8 will be blocked, whether they are typed with the country prefix or not.